The Perfect Commercial Floor Coating Solution for You!
Immaculate Flooring Division is your local expert in commercial epoxy floor coating systems. With more than twenty years of experience, we can identify and install the best product for you.
We can help you find the right system for your floor:
Wide range of colors and finishes
Safety compliant coatings
Commercial applications
Easy to clean and maintain
Durable and long-lasting
Immaculate has the expertise and equipment to serve all your commercial floor coatings needs.
We create beautiful, safe, durable commercial flooring solutions and guarantee 100% satisfaction.
Immaculate Spotlight: Mosquito Cafe Floor Coating
Mosquito Cafe is a staple restaurant in Galveston’s East End, serving up renowned breakfast, lunch, dinner and pastries for locals and visitors alike. They needed a safe, sanitary flooring solution that could be installed quickly as they closed after peak season for a few days. Downtime is never a good for any business , but we are lucky enough to work with customers that understand nothing can be rushed - especially a floor. This seamless epoxy floor install came out flawless and we owe it to our Immaculate team for working late and through the weekend in order to meet our customer’s deadline.